News & Tips
Vesticam Infrared Video Goggles

During your vertigo and dizziness assessment Simon Reid, Macquarie Street Physiotherapy’s Vestibular Physiotherapist may use the Vesticam Infrared Video Goggles. These dizziness goggles allow us to record eye movement during quick and non-invasive diagnostic bedside tests. The recording is helpful diagnosing a wide variety of causes of your dizziness, including BPPV, vestibular neuritis, vestibular migraine, and cervicogenic dizziness. And this software enables you to watch the play back video together with your physiotherapist while your diagnosis is explained.
Do I need a Doctors referral for a Vestibular Physiotherapy Assessment?
No, the entire assessment can be done within an hour appointment, along with commencing your treatment to restore your balance and clear vision again.
Does wearing Infrared Video Goggles hurt?
No they are safe and pain free to wear. You may experience some dizziness brought on by specific head movements, however this is good as the googles will record what your eye is doing during these sensations and allow the physiotherapist to correctly diagnose the reason for your dizziness.
Can my dizziness by resolved by a physiotherapist?
Dizziness and vertigo can often be resolved by a trained Vestibular Physiotherapist. Check out our other videos and articles or click book now to book an appointment with Simon today.
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